Save The Date: Friday, October 25 — 4:30ish PM Eastern / 3:30ish PM Central
Big Al is back with a one off broadcast on A2Z Radio. The theme of this show is GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS. Every song I play will have the word girl or girls in the title. I’ve got over two hours of songs lined up and there will be room for a few requests, BUT YOU HAVE TO TUNE IN TO GET YOUR REQUEST PLAYED.
I’d love for you to join me in the A2Z Radio Misfits V.I.P. Facebook Messenger Chat. (https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/5488287304528970) Approval to join is required but we’re pretty quick to approve.
It’s gonna be a great time, so tune in using the Live365 app (search for A2Z Radio) or open this link in your favorite web browser: https://live365.com/station/A2Z-Radio-a15383 You can also visit https://linktr.ee/a2z_radio for alternate ways to listen.
Past broadcasts from other A2Z DJs are available at https://www.mixcloud.com/A2ZRadio/.