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Author: Big Al

New Email Newsletter

In preparation for the relaunch of the podcast and radio show, I’ve set up an email newsletter to keep listeners up to date on new episodes, radio shows, and “New Music Friday” updates. I invite you to use the form below to sign up. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Thanks in advance for signing up. If you would share this post with your friends, I would greatly appreciate it.

Relaunching the Podcast

Returning later in 2025

Later this year I’m planning to relaunch Big Al’s Rockin’ Podcast. Don’t let the name fool you though… I’m looking to talk about more than just rock, so I’m asking you, “What are you looking for in a podcast?” I’m interested in talking to people in all areas of entertainment, including those working behind the scenes. Is this something you’d like to hear about? If you have other ideas, please leave a comment at one of the social sites linked below.



